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Re: Rebirth of Cool LEGO Site of the Week
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 17:53:23 GMT
2026 times
In lugnet.admin.suggestions, Suzanne D. Rich writes:
There are a few people interested in running/helping with a continuation of
Cool LEGO Site of the Week, and I know I'm not alone in wanting it back. Let's
begin a fresh conversation on this!...

CLSoTW should definetly be brought back! Since it's been gone, I've felt
like I've missed out on some of what the online community has to offer. When
CLSoTW was running before, I'd check out see sites that I'd normally not visit.

With that said, I offer a few comments:

Perhaps we should increase the term of the award to once every two weeks or
once a month. When we had CLSoTW before, it seemed a new site every week was
a little too much (when it was being updated regularly). If we increased the
award to at least one every two weeks, that would make the award more
special and would create less maintenance for the admins (i.e. 26 per year
instead of 52).

Besides, when CLSoTW was running before, it was usually updated about every
two to four weeks anyway.

The old system was very convenient to use, from the users' perspective.
After reviewing the sites, you selected your favorite and hit "vote". I
liked that format.

I don't know what participation was like before, but perhaps a post to
Annouce (or other suitable group) should be made when a site has been
selected, and the next nominees presented. This would remind people to vote.

I'd hate to add extra work to the process, but it would be nice to see what
other people are thinking when they vote. Perahps an optional comments box
could be added. The admins could review the comments and post a few. They
could even use the voters' comments to help write a review article for the
winning site.

I'd like to see guidelines written that describe how to handle excessive
bandwith. When your site is nominated, and after your site has won, you will
receive an enormous amount of traffic. When CLSoTW was running before, it
was annoying to visit a site that was temporarily shut down (like all the
Geocities sites). It would be great if someone wrote a "tips-n-tricks" page
to tell people how to handle this (like host all your images on Brickshelf).


Message is in Reply To:
  Rebirth of Cool LEGO Site of the Week
There are a few people interested in running/helping with a continuation of Cool LEGO Site of the Week, and I know I'm not alone in wanting it back. Let's begin a fresh conversation on this! Here are some prior comments: (7 URLs) (I was upset when (...) (23 years ago, 2-Jul-02, to lugnet.admin.suggestions,, lugnet.publish, lugnet.general) !! 

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