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Re: Rebirth of Cool LEGO Site of the Week
Wed, 3 Jul 2002 11:42:22 GMT
2218 times
In lugnet.admin.suggestions, Jacob Sparre Andersen writes:

Would it be possible to coordinate the selection using the existing
"spotlight" system? Something along these lines:


* Sites are submitted for consideration by posting them to a
  specific group. It could for example be named

Creating the voting page:

* Every week or month (whatever period is chosen), the CLSotW
  curator(s) select a limited number of the available submissions
  by including them on some kind of voting page (just some simple
  FTX code).


* Lugnet members vote on the selected sites by rating those of
  the articles in the submission group which are included on the
  voting page.

Cool Site of the Week:

* The Cool Site of the Week is the site submitted in the highest
  rated article in the submission group - which has not been Cool
  Site of the Week yet.

  Simply ignoring the voting page, and just taking the highest
  rated article in the submission group, has two benefits:

   1) I suspect that it is easier to implement.
   2) It allows the rest of us to overrule the selection the
      CLSotW curator(s) decide to promote.

Play well,

Sal Colibri (from Roger Leloup's "Yoko Tsuno"):

The down side to this is people may be hurt because they can see they are
not voted for. For this reason a blackbox approach is gentler.

Also, we could hit weeks that we have too many entries. I liked the
moderated approach that Todd took. Making sure that each theme had a chance
and limiting our choices so a definitive winner could be chosen.

I do like limiting votes through membership. Instead of using the spotlight
system, perhaps going the way of the set voting in the guide (with a 50%
softner) with keeping the results invisible until the moderators post the


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Rebirth of Cool LEGO Site of the Week
(...) Would it be possible to coordinate the selection using the existing "spotlight" system? Something along these lines: Submissions: * Sites are submitted for consideration by posting them to a specific group. It could for example be named (...) (23 years ago, 3-Jul-02, to lugnet.admin.suggestions)

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