Re: Excessive Cross Posting
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 01:20:57 GMT
662 times
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Larry Pieniazek wrote:
> In lugnet.admin.general, Frank Filz writes:
> > Todd,
> >
> > Is there some way to shut down the excessive cross posting which has
> > been occurring lately? I'm beginning to feel that Lugnet might be better
> > off if no cross posting was allowed, though I can see some reason for
> > limited cross posting.
> I think that's a bit extreme, although what I snipped below is good
> discussion fodder. I think a number of the recent cross posts have been
> initiated by people who either are new, or who don't post as often as some
> of us.
I mostly concur, I just sometimes wonder if it might be the best
solution (of course the counter to that is that you get the jerks who
work around the cross posting rules by posting individually to each
group - but they can be TOSed).
> An initial cross post is fine, but where we really go off the rails is when
> 22 groups are included, and everyone (including a lot of folks who know
> better) just posts replies without thinking about where to set followups to.
> I'd support automation that required you to explicitly fill out followups
> when you have more than one group in the newsgroups line, or something like
> that... maybe a box you have to explicitly check to say "yes I mean to send
> this post to multiple groups even though it's a follow up" when you initiate
> a reply?
> Or something.
> But automation doesn't help nntp or mail so I dunno.
What's too bad is that that automation used to exist many years ago, but
not many people use rn and similar tools any more...
A scheme similar to that used for lugnet.announce to insure that
follow-ups are set would work. One problem though is how to jerk proof
it without having fuzzy rules (the jerk will just copy the mile long
list of newsgroups to the follow-ups header), or putting an artificial
limit on the number of follow-up groups (though I bet one could
generally get away with a small limit on the number of followup groups,
like a max of 3). I'd almost be inclined to require that any message
with more than one group in the groups list have follow-ups set, but
it's probably ok to say: "Any message with more than 3 (or maybe 4 or 5)
groups must have follow-ups set."
In deciding how to post here, I also discovered an annoying feature with
Netscape Communicator 4.75's news posting. Each group is in it's own box
in the header area, so when originally I was going to respond to the
post but wanted to trim the groups, I had to painfully scroll through a
list and erase each excess group. That's a sure invitation to people
saying "* it, I'm just going to respond as is".
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Excessive Cross Posting
| (...) Again, I am not trying to be argumentative, but I don't see this problem as one of maliciousness. That is, it isn't "jerks" who are multiposting individual groups, or not setting followups correctly. Just lazy people and people who know (...) (24 years ago, 18-Dec-00, to lugnet.admin.general)
|  | | Re: Excessive Cross Posting
| (...) I can't think of a practical example for putting multiple groups in the followup-to header. Maybe it's just me ??? I don't think jerk-proofing needs to be a *high* priority around here, although it's good to jerk-proof when it doesn't impact (...) (24 years ago, 18-Dec-00, to lugnet.admin.general)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Excessive Cross Posting
| (...) I think that's a bit extreme, although what I snipped below is good discussion fodder. I think a number of the recent cross posts have been initiated by people who either are new, or who don't post as often as some of us. An initial cross post (...) (24 years ago, 18-Dec-00, to lugnet.admin.general)
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