Excessive Cross Posting
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 23:12:24 GMT
536 times
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Is there some way to shut down the excessive cross posting which has
been occurring lately? I'm beginning to feel that Lugnet might be better
off if no cross posting was allowed, though I can see some reason for
limited cross posting.
Some thoughts for digestion on cross posting:
lugnet.announce - it's probably reasonable to allow cross posting from
lugnet.announce to the group chosen for follow-ups (in fact, I'd almost
appreciate it if the posts were automatically cross posted to the
follow-up group). - I could see a point for not allowing cross
posting to .debate. If an issue arises in another group which becomes a
debate, start a new thread in .debate and reference the old thread.
lugnet.general - I would argue cross posting should never be done to
.general. If the thing you're posting on applies to a specific group,
then there is no need for it to be in .general (though I can see some
exceptions where you might be talking about stuff related to castles
that might have wider appeal, but then, such probably should be
construction techniques, in which case a cross post to is
more appropriate than to lugnet.general, there are a few other groups
which could also have similar applications).
I know I'm a serious compartmentalized dork, but I almost feel like the
group structure on Lugnet is breaking down. Of course a major
contributor to this feeling is that lugnet.year.2001 was started too
late to keep all the discussion about the new sets there instead of in
.general (I hope a strong announcement will be made next year that we do
have these year specific groups so lugnet.general is no longer the best
[or even an appropriate] place to discuss the forthcoming sets).
Just some random or not-so-random thoughts...
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Excessive Cross Posting
| (...) I think that's a bit extreme, although what I snipped below is good discussion fodder. I think a number of the recent cross posts have been initiated by people who either are new, or who don't post as often as some of us. An initial cross post (...) (24 years ago, 18-Dec-00, to lugnet.admin.general)
|  | | Re: Excessive Cross Posting
| Frank Filz wrote in message <>... (...) We almost always post through our newsreader. If I cross post something I can not specify where follow-ups are posted. Is there someway to do this? Rose (24 years ago, 20-Dec-00, to lugnet.admin.general)
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