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 Administrative / General / 8256
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Re: Growth
Thu, 2 Nov 2000 18:00:03 GMT
979 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Frank Filz writes:
Matthew Miller wrote:
This is very interesting when compared with

This URL didn't work for me, I get an "unrecognized request" response.
If I use:

it works just fine. Is the first form supposed to work?

Yes, the first form is supposed to work -- and I think the problem you're
seeing with it is the first ever reported.  I'm not surprised, though,
because it's technically kind of "dangerous" (or "iffy") to use colons in
URLs, because they're technically not allowed.  Lots of sites use "illegal"
characters like tilde (~) and colon (:) and some even use parentheses.  Most
browsers pass the request along without any problem, but it could be the case
that your browser is more standards-compliant than most and subsequently
complains.  Does it chop the ":8625" from the URL before sending?  Looks like
your browser was Netscape 3.0 on AIX+X11.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Growth
(...) Ah, figured it out, if I cut and paste it it works. The whole URL is highlighted in the news article, so I think NS 3.0 has a bug in clicking on the link from the news article. Clicking on the "view raw" link from the HTML version works also (...) (24 years ago, 2-Nov-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Growth
(...) This URL didn't work for me, I get an "unrecognized request" response. If I use: (URL) works just fine. Is the first form supposed to work? (24 years ago, 2-Nov-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

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