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 Technic / 16422
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Re: LEGOdometer
lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains
Sat, 9 Aug 2008 05:27:45 GMT
19709 times
In lugnet.technic, Shaun Sullivan wrote:
   That’s something I hadn’t considered. Fortunately, unless it’s run backwards for a long time, it probably won’t be an issue. It takes a good while to take up the lash in all of the gears in the opposite direction; the overall gear reduction is 1:1685.099 over 9 different gear pairs. That translates to plenty of distance before the hundreths wheel starts runing in reverse.

True, but then you’re losing the count on some of the distance traveled. I thought of a better option to all of this, though. I can’t remember who it was, but someone (don’t even ask me to remember who, or where to find this) came up with a gear system that turned +/- input into + output. That is, regardless of which way you turned the input source, the output constantly turned in one direction. Incorporating this into your design would allow the odometer to continue adding in both directions, though you would have to remember to make sure you faced the correct side outwards.

   On top of that, the first ratchet is actually on the second dial, the tenths place. As a result the gear train won’t actually bind up until the engagement on the tenths dial has run backwards and tries to turn the spoked pin joiner backwards.

Short story: it’s unlikely that the car will bind up unless it’s running backwards for a while.

Is this something that would make a difference based on how recently it has flipped the tenths dial? For example, if it has just flipped the dial far enough to trip the turnback catch mechanism, will running it backwards result in a significantly shorter distance to where it binds than if it was just on the verge of pushing the dial past the catch?

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGOdometer
(...) That's something I hadn't considered. Fortunately, unless it's run backwards for a long time, it probably won't be an issue. It takes a good while to take up the lash in all of the gears in the opposite direction; the overall gear reduction is (...) (16 years ago, 6-Aug-08, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains, FTX)

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