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 Technic / 16419
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Re: LEGOdometer
lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains
Thu, 7 Aug 2008 09:23:28 GMT
20239 times
In lugnet.technic, Frank Filz wrote:
A differential might have other problems. I seem to recall that use of
differentials was explored in geared locomotives (such as Shay, Climax, and
Heisler), and was abandoned because the differential caused power loss in
curves. (reference here: ). Not sure
if that would translate in reverse to an issue.

Well, if a real train hits curves in any manner similar to how a LEGO train
does, then the inside wheel will probably lift up enough to at least slip on the
rail, which would result in that very effect.  On the plus side, as it loses
power, it will lose speed, and the inner wheel will sit more firmly on the rail,
thus allowing it to pick up speed again.  :D

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGOdometer
(...) A differential might have other problems. I seem to recall that use of differentials was explored in geared locomotives (such as Shay, Climax, and Heisler), and was abandoned because the differential caused power loss in curves. (reference (...) (16 years ago, 7-Aug-08, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains)

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