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Re: Ironclad 'La Gloire'
Sun, 12 Mar 2000 15:08:13 GMT
1352 times
On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, Richard Parsons (<>) wrote at

Mr L F Braun wrote

Thanks for the kind words--but I gotta ask, "What Star
Wars elements?"  I wonder where those appeared...I
don't remember using any.

Umm, Lindsay?  Smokestacks?  7150? (

Either you're making one of those extra subtle jokes the like of which seem
to get me keel hauled, or you need some sleep man ;-)

Ah. They're not *exclusively* SW elements though, unlike the laser
cannon thingies & cockpit canopies.

Tony Priestman

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ironclad 'La Gloire'
(...) Tony beat me to the explanation of the SW comment...I included the stacks and the Qui-Gon head as SW elements,forgetting that other Castle and Ninja theme sets use the 4x4 rounds as wheels... (24 years ago, 12-Mar-00, to lugnet.pirates)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Ironclad 'La Gloire'
Mr L F Braun wrote (...) Umm, Lindsay? Smokestacks? 7150? ((URL) you're making one of those extra subtle jokes the like of which seem to get me keel hauled, or you need some sleep man ;-) Shipbuilding can keep one awake, and take one a bit outside (...) (24 years ago, 12-Mar-00, to lugnet.pirates)

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