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Re: The year at Port Block (Re: Ironclad 'La Gloire')
Sun, 12 Mar 2000 03:50:23 GMT
6745 times
Erin Windross wrote in message ...
In lugnet.pirates, Richard Parsons writes:

My tallships are not looking forward to it getting around to 1860.

Just wondering, but what year are most of your ships based on? (hey, I may
even start to get into this kinda stuff).

I kind of pitch for 1770-1830.

That gives me 'discovery' of Australia 1770, settlement 1780, Rum Rebellion
1808, HMS Victory, Hornblower, the naval battles of the Nile, Trafalgar and
Navarino, the American War of Independence, the aftermath of the Seven Years
War, the Prussian invasion of the Dutch, and the French Revolution.

(and for the historians among us, I know that other, and some better, stuff
also happened. I just reeled that off as a quick summary, OK?  :-)

And that seemed like adequately fertile ground for models and stories ;-)

When that gets boring periodically, one can always organise a temporal rift
and pull in some ship from the 14th century, a la the 'Soggy Chip de la
Tour' :-)

For me, the history bit is part of the fun - it sort of binds the whole
thing together.



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Ironclad 'La Gloire'
(...) Just wondering, but what year are most of your ships based on? (hey, I may even start to get into this kinda stuff). Erin -- (24 years ago, 11-Mar-00, to lugnet.pirates,,

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