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Re: Ironclad 'La Gloire'
Sun, 12 Mar 2000 20:34:46 GMT
1471 times
John Robert Blaze Kanehl wrote:

Tony beat me to the explanation of the SW comment...I included the stacks
and the Qui-Gon head as SW elements,forgetting that other Castle and Ninja
theme sets use the 4x4 rounds as wheels...

Ah.  On the Qui-Gon head, you've got me.  But the other parts are also known from
many other sets--especially the big shuttle from several years ago, that had
*six* (!) of the half-cylinders and a bunch of 4x4 rounds.

Gadzooks, I'm swimming in dkgrey 4x4 rounds now.  It's kind of nice.  Now...on to
building something even BIGGER.  I've got to buy more brick tubs, and maybe some



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Ironclad 'La Gloire'
(...) Tony beat me to the explanation of the SW comment...I included the stacks and the Qui-Gon head as SW elements,forgetting that other Castle and Ninja theme sets use the 4x4 rounds as wheels... (24 years ago, 12-Mar-00, to lugnet.pirates)

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