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Re: Ironclad _La Gloire_ virtually complete--mini-page up
Sat, 11 Mar 2000 06:30:03 GMT
6607 times
Zowee! That's awesome, Lindsay.

Gotta hand it to you, for a minute there I was considering changing themes to
pirates ;-)

All seriousness aside, that's really beautiful. I love the boat-lowering
feature (I hate technic as is, but I sure do appreciate it when it's used in
m-f models) and the figurine is downright cool. Quigon Effete adds to the
effect (1) and the 'small' ship just helps me realize how enourmous the Gloire
is. The 'approaching' pic shows the Gloire in all it's glory... (1 :-)

Now, if only Todd would patent that 'that's so great' button I could be a
happy person... ;-)


In, Lindsay Frederick Braun writes:
[snip, leave the best:]    (case-sensitive!)

(1) couldn't resist that one, now could I? :-) I'm in a punny mood today...

Message is in Reply To:
  Ironclad _La Gloire_ virtually complete--mini-page up
Hi, _La Gloire_ is now in Phase Nine, meaning it has almost all the bells and whistles an ironclad might need. Everything from lifeboat davits that lower, a complete stern gallery, coal chutes, boiler room, to a dozen cannon, a fairly complete (...) (24 years ago, 11-Mar-00, to lugnet.pirates,,

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