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Re: Ironclad 'La Gloire'
Sun, 12 Mar 2000 15:46:08 GMT
1294 times
Mr L F Braun wrote
John Robert Blaze Kanehl wrote:
I would love to see the companion vessel as well...the
integration of everything from classic windows to Pirates
to Star Wars elements is a testament to your creativity...

Thanks for the kind words--but I gotta ask, "What Star
Wars elements?"  I wonder where those appeared...I
don't remember using any.

Umm, Lindsay?  Smokestacks?  7150? (

Either you're making one of those extra subtle jokes the like of which seem
to get me keel hauled, or you need some sleep man ;-)

Shipbuilding can keep one awake, and take one a bit outside one's envelope,
this I know, but there is a point where one must simply say, 'If I don't go
to bed now, I will be too tired to build tomorrow'

Oh, and La Gloire?  Glorious.  Did I mention that?  I don't know, it all
runs together.  Let's's 1.44am AESST.  You think maybe now is when
*I* say to *myself* 'If I don't go to............


Still baldly going...
Check out Port Block at

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ironclad 'La Gloire'
On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, Richard Parsons (<>) wrote at 15:46:08 (...) Ah. They're not *exclusively* SW elements though, unlike the laser cannon thingies & cockpit canopies. (24 years ago, 12-Mar-00, to lugnet.pirates)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Ironclad 'La Gloire'
(...) I don't know how I figured it out--must have been realising that you need to hinge them above the bottom (third peghole up). From there, it's just a few bricks away to working davits. I'd wrestled with that one for a long time--in fact, since (...) (24 years ago, 12-Mar-00, to lugnet.pirates,

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