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Re: Crate Size
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 00:51:07 GMT
5985 times
In, David Schilling wrote:

The current crate that we use is this one:

   Why 2x2 square bricks for feet, instead of 2x2 round bricks? Having played
(only as little!) with the crate on a self-aligning stand (2x2 slopes to help
center the feet), the slopes don't seem to need the square edges of the 2x2
feet, and a 2x2 round brick would help with near-misses of the forklift tines.
Well, at least that's what I'm thinking (having not (a) built a working lift
yet, and (b) having my line tracker wiggle too much... but why let a little
thing like a total lack of experience stop me :-)...)

The reason we use the height that we have (5 2/3 bricks high
without the feet) has to do with Lego geometry: this height
allows easier and firmer grasping

   Good point, thanks. The real problem is doing all this with one motor (the
lift part).

Brian Davis

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Crate Size
(...) Thanks! It has been extremely fun and rewarding to build these. They certainly attract a lot of attention from crowds. (...) The current crate that we use is this one: (URL) The other one that you see was an old prototype when we first started (...) (20 years ago, 19-Oct-04, to

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