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Re: A new P.A.B. 2X4 Record -- 163 2x4s!
Tue, 2 Dec 2003 03:09:24 GMT
4036 times
In lugnet.general, Chris Phillips wrote:
   In lugnet.general, Ondrew Hartigan wrote:
   i just tryed this. it works really well and is very fast however the new record is 156. you can fit 4 additinal bricks in on row 3. =) ondrew

I knew I missed something, because I added more bricks to the top level than my previous personal best had increased by. I went back and checked my original method and sure enough, found that I could fit 163 2x4s in the cup, again assuming that the lid doesn’t need to snap on:

This method is a bit more tightly packed, and you do have to press down slightly to get the bottom disc into the cup. If you omit the top and bottom brick from that disc you eliminate that problem. The top (largest) disc is also a bit tight, but still fits.

I’d still like to see someone top that, though. Keep pushing the envelope, people!


Well I would like to congratulate you for taking this challenge. This after all is for the benefit of everyone. I would like to still keep record by saying you can add 2 additional bricks to the second row to make it look like the first row diamond shape. So the record is 165!


P.s. this was fun! Want to take the small cup on now?

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: A new P.A.B. 2X4 Record -- 163 2x4s!
(...) When I add two more bricks to the second level it deforms the cup pretty badly, but I suppose it fits. So add another brick to the center row of level 4 (Blue/White section in the center of my latest picture) and you get 166 2x4's into a (...) (20 years ago, 2-Dec-03, to lugnet.general, FTX)
  Yet another PAB 2X4 Record: 169 2x4s!
(...) I know this thread died months ago, but we got a store in the Seattle area a few weeks ago and I finally got to try it out. And, of course, this subject is always of interest. I got 169 2x4 bricks into a cup today, using a slightly modified (...) (20 years ago, 6-Aug-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)

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  Re: A new P.A.B. 2X4 Record -- 163 2x4s!
(...) I knew I missed something, because I added more bricks to the top level than my previous personal best had increased by. I went back and checked my original method and sure enough, found that I could fit 163 2x4s in the cup, again assuming (...) (20 years ago, 1-Dec-03, to lugnet.general, FTX)

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