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Re: Lid must touch Cup (was: Re: A new P.A.B. 2X4 Record!)
Tue, 2 Dec 2003 18:28:55 GMT
1804 times
In lugnet.general, James Mathis wrote:
   In lugnet.general, Ondrew Hartigan wrote:

   I understand that you would like the cup to close but it is not a requirement at any of the stores that I have been to. I sould know, I work at one. The only rule is the lid has to be able to touch the cup in some way, shape, or form. ondrew

I’m kind of kidding here: Can you place the lid *under* the cup-- still touching the cup-- and proceed to stack the bricks much much taller than the top edge of the cup...say 3, 4, 5 feet tall, or as tall as the store ceiling? Strictly, the lid is touching the cup.

You might just as well purchase the small cup, in that case... :-P


Message is in Reply To:
  Lid must touch Cup (was: Re: A new P.A.B. 2X4 Record!)
(...) I'm kind of kidding here: Can you place the lid *under* the cup-- still touching the cup-- and proceed to stack the bricks much much taller than the top edge of the cup...say 3, 4, 5 feet tall, or as tall as the store ceiling? Strictly, the (...) (20 years ago, 2-Dec-03, to lugnet.general, FTX)

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