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Re: 5 things I would like to see from TLC/Lego Direct...
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.trains
Sun, 16 Feb 2003 04:36:06 GMT
36 times
In, Jake McKee writes:
Not to start a debate (ok, maybe a little one), but isn't that the eternal
"LEGO Question"? I mean I can imagine my collection growing to be hundreds
of millions of pieces and still always looking for something I needed. After
all, as the community grows there are more and more ideas, projects get
bigger and bigger and designs require more and more parts.

So I guess it comes down to that big question...can Steve B. ever really get
enough lime green?

Hi Jake,

No need for debate since I agree.  Of course you're right.  I was just
venting.  My original intention for that post was just to make sure LEGO
Direct didn't think all AFOLs had the same resources.  In retrospect I'm
sure LEGO Direct knew that already.  I ended up venting about not having
resources myself, but I know that to some extent that's always going to be
the nature of the hobby.  For the folks who have more money or time, they
can do more, but I understand they too feel limited from time to time.  As
we all know, that just goes to show the amazing versatility of The Brick.
The possibilities are unlimited, no matter how many you have.

As I've said before in other posts, I think LEGO Direct is doing great
things.  As an AFOL with limited MOC-building resources, the detailed and
advanced sets you offer are really the only way I get the thrill of really
seeing the brick show its great potential on that scale.  I know TLC can't
drive the company based on our AFOL demographic alone but it still might be
nice for you guys to know that the decisions you've been making have helped
to form one happy and loyal customer who'll keep coming back for more! (Even
if you never do produce that B-Unit pack ;-)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 5 things I would like to see from TLC/Lego Direct...
In, Paul S. D'Urbano writes: <SNIP-O-RAMA> (...) Not to start a debate (ok, maybe a little one), but isn't that the eternal "LEGO Question"? I mean I can imagine my collection growing to be hundreds of millions of pieces and still (...) (21 years ago, 16-Feb-03, to,, lugnet.trains)

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