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 Castle / 4639
4638  |  4640
Re: doh!
Wed, 17 May 2000 21:22:29 GMT
859 times
In lugnet.castle, John D. Forinash writes:
I suspect I'm the only one who hadn't figured this out yet:

Castles aren't starships.

I'm catching up on posts,(computer crashed) and I thought I would make a

Mechs aren't castles.

I'm building Ron and Randy's Vulture (1) with my own weapon config and
pieces.  It took a couple of hours to make it stand.


(1) Look under "build.mecha"  (I still need to learn how to make a link in the

Message is in Reply To:
I suspect I'm the only one who hadn't figured this out yet: Castles aren't starships. I figured this out last night. See, I'm building a largely white inner keep for the current revision of the Never Completed Castle. Since it's largely white, I get (...) (24 years ago, 9-May-00, to lugnet.castle)

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