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 Castle / 4609
4608  |  4610
Re: doh!
Tue, 9 May 2000 23:12:49 GMT
820 times
<snip a lot>
[0] I am unfrozen cave-man news junkie. I read/post lugnet using old-style
Usenet-type newsreader on a fixed-width-font terminal window... I'm also
unfrozen cave-man videogame junkie as well. :)


You and me both, brother.  The oldies are the goodies.  Give me Donkey Kong
and Pac Man over Crash Bandicoot and "insert game title" 64 anyday!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: doh!
(...) The staircase. Fort Legoredo is the one of that genre of sets I missed, of course. I need to go see if the TRU near home still had those... I was hoping to wait 'til clearance. :) (...) So, of course, which do I have more of in my collection? (...) (24 years ago, 9-May-00, to lugnet.castle)

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