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 Castle / 4599
4598  |  4600
Re: doh!
Tue, 9 May 2000 15:33:13 GMT
650 times
In lugnet.castle, Jeff Stembel writes:

Unfortunately, I also have a huge pile of white 1x2x5 columns, and I've
still got no idea how to build something structurally sound out of those...

These parts are really only structurally sound when used as pillars.  They
well supporting walkways in castle walls.  :)

???  I often throw them into the middle of walls, and they seem to work fine.
I try to make sure they are well braced from the top and the bottom, and not
line too many of them up, but I have had little problem with them as a
structral element.  I used some of them here:

As well as in the larger (half destroyed) "cathedral" I built.  Pics of it can
be seen on the NELUG Webpage ( under the BrikWars links.  It
looks rickety, but that's just a clever ruse.  It's quite solid.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: doh!
(...) While I don't woosh castles, I do manipulate them-- for example, my current version has levels that one can lift off one another. I find that when one goes with a design like that, it looks a lot better, much, much better. But some fool (...) (24 years ago, 9-May-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: doh!
(...) What?? You mean I've been doing the wrong thing for the past fifteen years?!?! ;) (...) These parts are really only structurally sound when used as pillars. They work well supporting walkways in castle walls. :) (...) Brasso will remove dirt, (...) (24 years ago, 9-May-00, to lugnet.castle)

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