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 Castle / 4597
4596  |  4598
Tue, 9 May 2000 13:58:21 GMT
547 times
I suspect I'm the only one who hadn't figured this out yet:

Castles aren't starships.

I figured this out last night. See, I'm building a largely white inner keep
for the current revision of the Never Completed Castle. Since it's largely
white, I get to raid the parts from bulk brick tubs to do assembly.

For some reason, my collection of grey parts has very few 1x4s and 1x6es.
So previously, building castles, I'd use huge bricks (1x8+) and use 1x4s
and 1x3s to fill in holes. I'd've never considered using mostly 1x4 bricks,
because when you do that with a spaceship, your ship falls apart on the
first woosh.

Castles don't get wooshed, and even if they did, they're structurally more
sound than spaceships. 1x4 bricks work _quite well_ for castle wall
structures. I found out last night when I thought I'd run out of bricks that
I could complete a whole 'nother floor to the castle.

You'll please excuse me while I bonk my head against the wall... I suspect
the rest of y'all knew this.

Unfortunately, I also have a huge pile of white 1x2x5 columns, and I've
still got no idea how to build something structurally sound out of those...

So then I get to my next questions:
1) Many of my white bricks are decendents from the days when I was a kid.
Many of my white bricks are scuffed and scratched and turning brown from
being scuffed on concrete floors or other random childhood damage. Can one
polish ABS?

2) Are there any currently available sets that have:
1) white castle walls or corner walls?
2) a green 1x3 plate?
3) white castle 'turret tops'? (like the ubiquitous grey ones;
half a 10-spot-diameter octagon with crenelations)?
4) straight staircases?
5) Clear bricks, 1x2 preferrably?

I can't think of any, but I also haven't been paying attention to non
castle-or-space themes...

J.D. Forinash                                     ,-.                            ( <
The more you learn, the better your luck gets.    `-'

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: doh!
(...) What?? You mean I've been doing the wrong thing for the past fifteen years?!?! ;) (...) These parts are really only structurally sound when used as pillars. They work well supporting walkways in castle walls. :) (...) Brasso will remove dirt, (...) (24 years ago, 9-May-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: doh!
(...) There's a trick I use to build walls with these pieces. Unfortunately, it uses the somewhat rare white pirate (castle) wall pieces as well. You could, of course, use black or grey just as easily. You can position the columns in front of the (...) (24 years ago, 11-May-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: doh!
-snip- (...) 4 clear bricks are currently available in 4128 XL value freesytle bucket. If there not available at your local store try the Lego outlets. I do know its at LLC for about $19 each and they have lots. They will also ship internationally. (...) (24 years ago, 12-May-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: doh!
(...) I'm catching up on posts,(computer crashed) and I thought I would make a comment. Mechs aren't castles. I'm building Ron and Randy's Vulture (1) with my own weapon config and pieces. It took a couple of hours to make it stand. Rob (1) Look (...) (24 years ago, 17-May-00, to lugnet.castle)

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