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 Castle / 4604
4603  |  4605
Re: doh!
Tue, 9 May 2000 20:11:04 GMT
723 times
In lugnet.castle, Shiri Dori writes:
In lugnet.castle, Jeff Stembel writes:
In lugnet.castle, John D. Forinash writes:
2) Are there any currently available sets that have:
1) white castle walls or corner walls?

Not as far as I know...

There are; but they're not currently in production. Like in <set:6265 this
set>. But I doubt you could get them cheaply...

Yup, I know, but he asked if any were in current production.  Other sets
include 725, 4020, 6276, 6277, and undoubtedly a few more...

4) straight staircases?

Which kind, the "Fabuland" ones?  again, I don't beleive so, but check recent
Belville (pre-fairy tale) sets, there might be some there.  I can't guarentee
you'll find a color you want, though...

Nu-uh. BV had only spiral staircases, IIRC.

Yes, they did, I have some.  :)  I just thought there where more than there
actually are.  ;)  (see below)

OTOH, there are at least two types of straight staircases; one came with Fort
Legoredo, and it doesn't have the rising (I think that's the right term) or a

A cream one appears in <set:5808>.

There's also another type, I think it appeared in space sets, but I'm not sure
which. Both of these appeared in black, I think, which is a not-bad-at-all
color for castles...

These stairs appeared in Castle, Pirate, Belville, and Fabuland as well.
Magenta in <set:5870>, Dark Gray in <set:6270> and <set:6273>, Black in
<set:6082> and <set:6988>, Yellow in <set:3676>, <set:3681>, and <set:3682>.

5) Clear bricks, 1x2 preferrably?

These have appeared in a number of Freestyle Tubs and Buckets, I believe.

And perhaps town sets as well.

Not recently.  Only Freestyle has had them recently, AFAIK.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: doh!
(...) Yeah, this is the problem. I'd never been much into pirate, see, and now I note all those pirate sets that had a whole bunch of parts that'd be useful today... (...) Hm, didn't even know that one existed. (...) This is the type I was thinking (...) (24 years ago, 9-May-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: doh!
(...) There are; but they're not currently in production. Like in <set:6265 this set>. But I doubt you could get them cheaply... (...) Nu-uh. BV had only spiral staircases, IIRC. OTOH, there are at least two types of straight staircases; one came (...) (24 years ago, 9-May-00, to lugnet.castle)

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