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 Castle / 1223
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Re: The Invasion of Strombrachter Page
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 13:37:13 GMT
814 times
In lugnet.castle, Tony Priestman writes:
On Thu, 30 Dec 1999, Doyle (<>) wrote at 07:04:50

I wonder How Lego Direct is going to effect all these auctions? since we will
most likely be able to buy anything in bulk.....

Careful. You don't want to start any urban legends.

Brad said LD would start *limited* bulk ordering. That almost certainly
means a specific variety of pieces, probably in specific quantities.

So there is still going to be a need for part auctions.

Don't forget the keyword:  "Bulk".  You probably won't be able to call up Lego
Direct and say, "Help!  I need two black 1x2 tiles to finish my model!"
Personally, I think small lots will stay popular, but large ones would have to
be split (unless they're cheaper).


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Invasion of Strombrachter Page
On Thu, 30 Dec 1999, Doyle (<>) wrote at 07:04:50 (...) Careful. You don't want to start any urban legends. Brad said LD would start *limited* bulk ordering. That almost certainly means a specific variety of pieces, probably in (...) (24 years ago, 30-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)

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