I'm positive that the Imperial Shuttle includes a fourth mini-fig to pilot.
First, it couldn't be Palpatine; he is wearing the black hood piece. If you
look closely at the picture, it's clear that the sides of the figs head
arn't covered with anything like a hood. We can all agree the yellow face
isn't one of the red guards, thats for sure.
Maybe they have new Imperial mini-figs all hidden in the Shuttle and AT-ST,
with "Darth Vader Dome" helmets? I must say I'm not so sure if the AT-ST
contains another fig, and if all it has is Chewbacca, I'll be furious. At
least I know they make the proper fig from the shuttle now, though. I have
made my own by taking black ninja helmets and cutting off the clip, if the
AT-ST doesn't contain the proper mini-fig, I'll use these.
Hey, anybody think S@H reps may be able to see how many figs a set contains?
Not awfully likely...but the whole AT-ST thing is killing me.
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: 4th Imperial shuttle figure....
| "Josh Opotzner" <Josh120@aol.com> wrote in message news:G31vIw.A7v@lugnet.com... <snip> (...) I tried that as soon as the pics showed up, but most of the S@H reps haven't even seen what the sets look like yet, the prices are still not finalized (...) (24 years ago, 27-Oct-00, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.starwars)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: 4th Imperial shuttle figure....
| It wouldn't make sense to me. The royal guards aren't going to fly the ship. They just stand around and look intimidating. Besides, the emperor's so powerful he could probably fly the ship without touching the controls! Dave Lorbaat (...) (24 years ago, 26-Oct-00, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.starwars)
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