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Re: What is with the Technic Stormtrooper?
lugnet.starwars, lugnet.technic, lugnet.year.2001
Thu, 26 Oct 2000 17:50:04 GMT
42 times
In lugnet.starwars, Eric Kingsley writes:

But the little minifig Stormtrooper looks awesome, IMHO!!!

Indeed, I'm glad they didn't mess it up like Boba Fett.  I think it's quite
the object many people dreamed of being produced after ep. 4 came out :)

Agreed,  I will have to get a couple right away but I hope there will be a
means of buying these in large quantities in not so big a set.
Stormtrooper Polybags anyone?

I agree, but hey, don't we all need 20 TIE fighters anyway?:)

p.s.  This we'll ever get a Technic Ewok?

Actually that would be pretty cool.  I always thought Ewok's should have been
full of holes!

Hey!  How would *you* like it if I poked holes in *your* hamburger!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What is with the Technic Stormtrooper?
In lugnet.starwars, Todd Lehman writes: <snip> (...) I think thats probably as close as you are going to get to what happened. I have a feeling these will be on clearence in no time. (...) No thats saying something comming from you!!! (...) Agreed, (...) (24 years ago, 26-Oct-00, to lugnet.starwars, lugnet.technic, lugnet.year.2001)

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