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Re: ME Models Metal Rails
Tue, 5 Apr 2011 22:34:26 GMT
22212 times
In lugnet.trains, Eric Olson wrote: can replace the connectors with a standard 2X8 plate.

Q: Are the rails available separately? That is, w/o the sleeper pieces.

I have considered getting LEGO trains for the past 2 decades, but never bought a
single train set. Therefore, I have no track in my collection.
Except for a bunch of 4.5v rails I bought when they were available in PaB a few
years ago, but that's another subject entirely.
No LEGO track means no need for the connectors when using ME track. I'll use 1x8
plates, spaced every 2 studs, for the sleepers, since that'll look more
When I start buying train sets, I'll Bricklink any track that comes with them,
and just use ME track.

Q: Are/will all the holes in the curved rails (be) evenly spaced in groups of 2?
The idea is so whether 1x8 or 2x8 sleepers are used, they'll be evenly spaced.

One more Q:
What do you put on the studs of custom pieces? (since you obviously cannot put
LEGO on the studs)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: ME Models Metal Rails
(...) The poly bag sets as well as the longer sections come without the 2X8 plates included. We have thrown in the connector pieces with every kit. You are free to use them if you want, but removing them from the kits will not really save you any (...) (14 years ago, 6-Apr-11, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: ME Models Metal Rails
(...) The ends, right now, are in dark bley and reddish brown. If there's enough interest, we can do them in other colors as well and maybe offer them as an "add-on". Quite frankly though, unless you're connecting to existing LEGO track, you don't (...) (14 years ago, 4-Apr-11, to lugnet.trains)

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