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Re: Motor control
Thu, 17 May 2001 10:39:15 GMT
792 times
In lugnet.trains, Dean Husby writes:
Lester Witter wrote:

Has anyone considered modifying a train motor so that it can be controlled • from
an on-board RCX but powered from the tracks? The aux power tap on the top • might
be used as a connector to an RCX output. Its internal connection to the • power
tap would be broken and it would be used to control an electronic switch • (like
an opto-isolator) Is there room in the motor for a small circuit board (I am
guessing no).


I did this exact thing quite a while ago. I have some pics the motor at

I ran this on the PNLTC's worlds longest Track record Breaking layout. I used • a
Mindstorms Remote to control it. The pics show it in red but I converted it to
yellow. See here.

Coin-Op's For Sale!:
Dean's Lego Workshop:
Vancouver Lego Club:

Thanks for the reference. What I was looking for was powering the RCX and motor
separately. The an RCX output would act as an electronic switch. This is
primarily intended to avoid running down the RCX batteries. Does anyone know
how long it takes a train motor to run out a set of batteries on an RCX (I know
this is dependent on load)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Motor control
(...) My project involved a connector going from the aux power port on the motor. (Track Power) and running that into the RCX's Power Port. Then I used Port A to run the Train motor and Port B ran my lights. This way the lights would blink to show (...) (24 years ago, 17-May-01, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Motor control
(...) I did this exact thing quite a while ago. I have some pics the motor at (URL) ran this on the PNLTC's worlds longest Track record Breaking layout. I used a Mindstorms Remote to control it. The pics show it in red but I converted it to yellow. (...) (24 years ago, 16-May-01, to lugnet.trains)

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