| | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
There will be a mini-pack (6.99???) with Luke battling a storm trooper and a scout trooper. There is also a pack with Episode 1 droids with 2 droids and 1 good guy and a pack that recreates the episode 1 scene where Qui-Gon is trying to cut through (...) (24 years ago, 9-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
(...) I can't recall any scenes where Luke is battling a stormtrooper and a scout trooper... I wonder why they'd put the 3 together in a pack. Could you confirm that it is indeed *Luke* with the stormie and scout? Thanks. -- Jeromy Irvine (URL) (24 years ago, 10-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
"J. Irvine" <irvinej@accuvera.com> wrote in message news:GHtt6J.KJD@lugnet.com... (...) and a (...) and (...) scout (...) Maybe it's an Endor Luke, the Biker Scout would be a natural match, and the Stormtrooper was added because when Han, Leia and (...) (24 years ago, 10-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
(...) Kinda sounds like it'll just be another mini-fig "collectible" set like 3342 or something, other than the $7 price sticker. It's pretty dumb to have another Luke though. I think we have enough. Other than R2D2, Luke is the most common 'fig in (...) (24 years ago, 10-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
(...) Hmm. Possibly. That would make sense if not for the fact that the Speeder Bike set already has an Endor Luke and 2 scout troopers. However, I already have a dozen or so scout troopers and only 2 stormtroopers. If this is TLC's attempt to give (...) (24 years ago, 10-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
"J. Irvine" <irvinej@accuvera.com> wrote in message news:GHv26r.3H2@lugnet.com... (...) the (...) :) (...) already (...) TLC's (...) After I wrote I thought exactly the same thing. It would make more sense to have 2 stormtroopers and a rebel trooper (...) (24 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
(...) Not the battle droids set! (...) How about just a stormtrooper, a scout trooper, and a sandtrooper? Heck, we've already got scouttroopers in a pack. stormtrooper, sandtrooper, and a TIE Pilot (ooo, black-suit stormtroopers!) Steve (24 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
(...) When did we ever get a sandtrooper? Did I miss something? Also, I want some snowtroopers. They're way cool. ~Grand Admiral Muffin Head (24 years ago, 14-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
I think he was talking about a minifig pack wish. BTW - call me dumb, but what is the difference between a sandtrooper and a regular stormtrooper?? (...) (24 years ago, 14-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
(...) A Sandtrooper has an orange patch on his shoulder, a stormtrooper does not. Rick "Who plays Jedi Knight: DF 2 and watch Stormtroopers say "Ahh!" Hallman (24 years ago, 14-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
(...) Originally they were going to call them Scooper Troopers, since their actual job is to clean up after all those banthas and other large animals, but someone managed to convince Lucas to change it at the last minute; so, we got Sandtroopers (...) (24 years ago, 14-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
(...) An AT-AT pilot wouldn't be bad either... same stormtrooper figure, just with gray arms and legs. -Jim (24 years ago, 14-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
"Rick Hallman" <legodude725@removeaol.com> wrote in message news:GI2Cx2.Kzy@lugnet.com... (...) a (...) not. (...) Hallman Don't forget the backpack too! Needs lots of room to carry brushes to get rid of sand after a hard days work :) Dan "Who plays (...) (24 years ago, 15-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
I was trying to reson out why Lego hasn't included imperial soldiers (esp in sets like the AT-ST). My old logic was, that Lego doesn't like too many new pieces in one series and the ninja helms wouldn't really work. Then I saw a nice AT-ST driver (...) (24 years ago, 17-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)
 | | Re: There goes the neighborhood b/w Look who's coming to dinner.
"Matt Penney" <glister5454@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:GI7062.LIu@lugnet.com... (...) in (...) new (...) a (...) Imperial forces would be cool, but you're right - it would look like LEGO was making WWII soldiers. However, my SW shelves are (...) (24 years ago, 17-Aug-01, to lugnet.starwars)