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Re: Space World
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 23:24:04 GMT
1036 times
Hey Mark, I've been meaning to ask you about Space World but keep
forgetting, seems like I'm not the only one!
How about an updated post for the delinquent contributers (I'm sure you
know how to urge them nicely to pay:^)  I'm sure there are others besides me
who would like to know the progress (if any) on Spce World.  And there are
certainly newbies who are not as informed as myself (not that I can
faithfully call myself informed as I humbly revealed in my post to Mr.
If you are still taking new contributions, I'm game.  Unfortuntaely I
sorta forgot how much the minnimum was that you were asking for.

All Righty then,

For all newbies: Space world is mainly going to be a site that collects
links to Space Lego sites all over the 'net. We have discussed various
sections of the site dealing with characters people have created, as well as
a showcase of people's MOCs

As of right now, I have only received one donation for $25. I don't really
have a minimum amount that I require from people. The target amount is $150,
mainly because hosting for a year costs about $100, plus the necessary money
for getting a domain name and various and sundry setup fees the provider
charges (I was going to use

So as it stands right now,  I have received $25 from Trevor, and I'll pitch
in $25 of my own. That's $50.

We're a third of the way there.

~Mark "Muffin Head" Sandlin
Mark's Lego(R) Creations

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Space World
(...) Oh. I didn't think of the domain name. Please disregard my previous numbers, Gents...Marks are correct. (...) :-) Comon people! The more we donate, the faster this happens! You easily spend 50 bucks on a nice dinner for two and a movie, in a (...) (24 years ago, 12-Jan-01, to
  Re: Space World
(...) At the time of the original posting about Space World, I hadn't yet become a member of Lugnet, but I was reading the posts and recall that there was some excitment from several sources. I think I was able to forget about Space World because (...) (24 years ago, 13-Jan-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Space World
(...) Hey Mark, I've been meaning to ask you about Space World but keep forgetting, seems like I'm not the only one! How about an updated post for the delinquent contributers (I'm sure you know how to urge them nicely to pay:^) I'm sure there are (...) (24 years ago, 12-Jan-01, to

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