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Re: Giant space ship links site idea
Tue, 3 Oct 2000 18:11:33 GMT
761 times
On Tue, 3 Oct 2000 14:39:40 GMT, Mark Sandlin <>

I'm thinking that a ship should have a minimum length of about 60 studs.
General mass and large size will be good too. Like if the ship is large but
is tall or wide instead of long.

60 studs? That's kind of short, IMO. For instance, of the ships on my
website, the Mithrandir is the only one I'd consider to be a "capital" ship,
and a small one at that. Some of my other ships are more than 60 studs long,
and certainly not capital ships:

(Most of these numbers are approximated)

Mithrandir: 152 studs

Spaceplane: 99 studs

Lightnin' Jack: ~90 studs

Osprey: ~75 studs

Angel: ~75 studs

Of course, the Spaceplane is long mainly because of the length of the
forward fuselage, and the Angel is sort of long n' skinny too. The Osprey is
fairly wide, to accomodate the APC, however.

I disagree, I think it has more to do with overall size and capacity
than it does stud length.  The Behemoth on my site is 90 studs long,
which doesn't sound too impressive until you note that it's also
around 60 studs wide and around 18 studs high.  I think that the ship
should have to have an overall volume of a certain amount.  For
instance the Behemoth would have an average volume of 97,200 bricks.
So you could have two classes of large ships, those that are 50,000 to
100,000 brick volume and then those that are 100,000 or higher.  So
basically if you wanted to find the average volume of your ship you
would take the heigth, width, and lenght, and then multiply them
together.  Of course the only bad thing is that I could put a rather
large antena on the top of my ship and suddenly it's volume would be
huge.  So I think you'd have to exclude anteni, radar, extraneous
weapons, etc.  On the other hand it could just be a judgement call.  I
mean if it looks big then it's gotta be big right?  Well, those are
just some of my thoughts.

-Another section idea would be large bases.

Would a Space Donut Shop fit into this category? It's 2.5 baseplates long.
Built on an asteroid.  ;^)

My favorite space station was that one made mainly out of blue bricks
in one of the earlier lego catalogs.  #250 if I remember correctly.
Here is a link to a picture of it on BrickShelf:
Anyway it's really cool, I always use it as a primer for building my
own space bases.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Giant space ship links site idea
(...) Ok, you have a point there. (...) Hmm, so my Mithrandir would be approx. 74,480 if you don't count the engine pods on the sides of the main hull. The problem is that the ship has many different widths all along its length. If I include the (...) (24 years ago, 3-Oct-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Giant space ship links site idea
(...) 60 studs? That's kind of short, IMO. For instance, of the ships on my website, the Mithrandir is the only one I'd consider to be a "capital" ship, and a small one at that. Some of my other ships are more than 60 studs long, and certainly not (...) (24 years ago, 3-Oct-00, to

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