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Re: Minifig Scales
Wed, 30 Jul 2003 12:28:25 GMT
713 times
In, Markham Carroll wrote:
   A minifig scale Star Destroyer would be about 121 feet long and 97 feet wide (guessing that its width is 2/3 of it’s length) and cover 5868.5 sq. ft. That’s almost six small (human, not minifig) houses!

I don’t have any hard numbers, but the beam of an ISD isn’t quite 2/3 the length. It is a lot wider than I’d originally thought, but it’s closer to a 28:45 ratio, as can be seen here.

   A Super Star Destroyer, 5 miles long, would be 606 feet long and 400 feet wide (yes, another guesstimate) and cover about 121,200 sq. ft. A little bigger than the biggest of mansions, and probably twenty times as expensive, too!

The 5 mile long SSD is a mistake. In TESB, there is at least one scene where you can clearly see the tower of an ISD passing before the bulk of the SSD (which means the SSD would actually appear smaller than 1:1 compared to that ISD), and the SSD is clearly more than 5x as long as the SSD. TheForce.Net has a page explaining how they came to the conclusion that the Executor is actually 11 miles long (part of it includes the fact that this would make the control tower on the SSD the same size as the identically shaped control tower on an ISD). They also give a plausible idea on how the 5 mile fallacy came about.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Minifig Scales
"Purple Dave" <> wrote in message (...) a (...) Hm, yeah, you're right. It's a little over half the length. A minifig scale Star Destroyer would be about 121 feet long and 60.5 feet wide (...) (22 years ago, 30-Jul-03, to

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  Minifig Scales
I did some calculating ((URL) of large space ships to see how big they'd be at minifig scale. I got some interesting results: A minifig scale Star Destroyer would be about 121 feet long and 97 feet wide (guessing that its width is 2/3 of it's (...) (22 years ago, 30-Jul-03, to

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