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Re: Moonbase and monorail
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 16:36:51 GMT
663 times
"David Wegmuller" <> wrote in message
I've been wondering if a monorail could be integrated within a moonbase
without interfering with the corridors. I've played around with Track
Designer and came up with a nice, modular geometry.
The basic idea is to mount a 90 degree curve on a 48x48 base plate, offset
from the edges by four studs. This leaves a 2 stud wide clearance between
the track and the corridor. Once two modules are connected by their
corridors, an 8 stud long piece of monorail track completes the

Sounds great.  This was just what we had in mind.  I had *no* idea that
there were 8 stud lengths of monorail track.  I'm a real monorail newbie.  I
actually saw the first monorail moving at this years Brickfest.

I drew this layout: to
show this geometry's possibilities. The red rectangles show were the
corridors connect the modules.

That looks amazingly cool.  We have so many options with a monorail:

-Modules ready made to except mono-track *through* them.
-Modules that have space set aside on either side for the track.
-Standard modules with no monorail connectivity, still not a big deal
because they can be put anywhere.

Track configurations include:
- 90 degree curve
- strait line (with or without station)
- switch point, curved or parallel out
- double, parallel tracks (for storage track or to create a big station
between to switch points)
- zig-zag, required in some cases to connect left hand curves to right • hand
Note that the ramps require two modules to fit (their 64 studs long).

You've put a lot of thought into this. :-)

One thing I'm not sure about is what height should the monorail track be
built at... Official Lego sets used 0, 10 bricks and 20 bricks. 10 bricks
would bring the track just a bit higher than the floor of a moonbase
corridor. This would let us re-use the track supports that came with the
original sets.
The track could also be built a couple of bricks lower than the corridor
floor so that the floor of the trains would be level with the corridors...
A third possibility would be to build the monorail at 20 bricks, so it • would
clear most existing buildings. The trackwould be lowered to 10 bricks to • go
though a station...

Ok this rocks.  I say the first thing we do is make the decisions regarding
the track height.  10 brick height souns great to me but so do the other
ideas.  I obviously don't own any monorail (this might change in the future
:-) so I definitely feel I'm not the best one to make this decision.  I'll
just put in a vote for the 10 brick height.

Now what do others think?

Is this something some of you would be interested in?

Oh yeah.  As a matter of fact I'd love it if after we have settled on the
track's height that we could use specifically your text on a Monorail
section of the Moonbase site.  Sound good to you?

| The Shipyard -
| My Lego Creations -

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Moonbase and monorail
(...) <snip> (...) Well, I think that I have no monorail. Everything here sounds fine though. The only thing that I could ask for is that there be a provision for those of us who are monorail-less. I'm not against using standard train track, even (...) (23 years ago, 13-Aug-02, to
  Re: Moonbase and monorail
<snip> (...) my 2 cents: 1) use 'train' track only at ground level and ONLY for hauling moon rocks and other such debris, i.e. its TRAIN track and should stay the h*** out of .space 2) use monorails for everything 'up high'. Use a std of 10 in (...) (23 years ago, 18-Aug-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Moonbase and monorail
Hi, I've been wondering if a monorail could be integrated within a moonbase without interfering with the corridors. I've played around with Track Designer and came up with a nice, modular geometry. The basic idea is to mount a 90 degree curve on a (...) (23 years ago, 13-Aug-02, to

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