Re: Moonbase and monorail
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 16:36:51 GMT
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"David Wegmuller" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I've been wondering if a monorail could be integrated within a moonbase
> without interfering with the corridors. I've played around with Track
> Designer and came up with a nice, modular geometry.
> The basic idea is to mount a 90 degree curve on a 48x48 base plate, offset
> from the edges by four studs. This leaves a 2 stud wide clearance between
> the track and the corridor. Once two modules are connected by their
> corridors, an 8 stud long piece of monorail track completes the
Sounds great. This was just what we had in mind. I had *no* idea that
there were 8 stud lengths of monorail track. I'm a real monorail newbie. I
actually saw the first monorail moving at this years Brickfest.
> I drew this layout: to
> show this geometry's possibilities. The red rectangles show were the
> corridors connect the modules.
That looks amazingly cool. We have so many options with a monorail:
-Modules ready made to except mono-track *through* them.
-Modules that have space set aside on either side for the track.
-Standard modules with no monorail connectivity, still not a big deal
because they can be put anywhere.
> Track configurations include:
> - 90 degree curve
> - strait line (with or without station)
> - switch point, curved or parallel out
> - double, parallel tracks (for storage track or to create a big station
> between to switch points)
> - zig-zag, required in some cases to connect left hand curves to right hand
> curves
> Note that the ramps require two modules to fit (their 64 studs long).
You've put a lot of thought into this. :-)
> One thing I'm not sure about is what height should the monorail track be
> built at... Official Lego sets used 0, 10 bricks and 20 bricks. 10 bricks
> would bring the track just a bit higher than the floor of a moonbase
> corridor. This would let us re-use the track supports that came with the
> original sets.
> The track could also be built a couple of bricks lower than the corridor
> floor so that the floor of the trains would be level with the corridors...
> A third possibility would be to build the monorail at 20 bricks, so it would
> clear most existing buildings. The trackwould be lowered to 10 bricks to go
> though a station...
Ok this rocks. I say the first thing we do is make the decisions regarding
the track height. 10 brick height souns great to me but so do the other
ideas. I obviously don't own any monorail (this might change in the future
:-) so I definitely feel I'm not the best one to make this decision. I'll
just put in a vote for the 10 brick height.
Now what do others think?
> Is this something some of you would be interested in?
Oh yeah. As a matter of fact I'd love it if after we have settled on the
track's height that we could use specifically your text on a Monorail
section of the Moonbase site. Sound good to you?
| The Shipyard -
| My Lego Creations -
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Moonbase and monorail
| (...) <snip> (...) Well, I think that I have no monorail. Everything here sounds fine though. The only thing that I could ask for is that there be a provision for those of us who are monorail-less. I'm not against using standard train track, even (...) (23 years ago, 13-Aug-02, to
|  | | Re: Moonbase and monorail
| <snip> (...) my 2 cents: 1) use 'train' track only at ground level and ONLY for hauling moon rocks and other such debris, i.e. its TRAIN track and should stay the h*** out of .space 2) use monorails for everything 'up high'. Use a std of 10 in (...) (23 years ago, 18-Aug-02, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Moonbase and monorail
| Hi, I've been wondering if a monorail could be integrated within a moonbase without interfering with the corridors. I've played around with Track Designer and came up with a nice, modular geometry. The basic idea is to mount a 90 degree curve on a (...) (23 years ago, 13-Aug-02, to
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