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Re: New Website, New MOC
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 20:46:49 GMT
951 times
Hello Brad, and welcome.

The site looks good! I like the blue better than the green you had not long
ago. And I approved your webring submision too (I was waiting for a little
content :-P). I think you can go in and get rid of the second box of the
webring code.

As for the Shock Hawk, it looks very nice. Very red and very fast :-P. You
pulled the shape off rather well. Good job.

And PHP rules, too bad you didn't have that option. You might wanna check
out (both Bram and I use them), they have cheep and loaded
hosting packages.

Good luck, look forward to more!

PS, Fill out my add link form!


In, Brad Mittelstedt writes:
Hello everyone!  First of all this is my first post to, so

Anyways after coming out of the darkages, I started building again.  But
building without displaying what you have built is .. well .. boring.  So
for the past week I have been working away on a new dynamic (dynamic
meaning I do not have to manually build each web page but rather make a
few changes in a config file here and there and walla, the magic happens) web
site using Javascript/CSS (no PHP easy road for me).  There are quite a
few more things that I want to do to it, but time is hard to find.
Besides what I am releasing here today, I have three more MOC's I need to

The web site is

and the first MOC is the ASI-100 Shock Hawk, an Aeronautical/Space
Interceptor Fighter.

Tell me what you think.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Website, New MOC
(...) Dellz got bought out last week and no longer offers the plan I've been on since December. Plus they had a hard drive failure a month or two back and I had to set up *everything* all over again. It's a good thing I don't rely on them for mail (...) (23 years ago, 25-Apr-02, to, lugnet.publish)

Message is in Reply To:
  New Website, New MOC
Hello everyone! First of all this is my first post to, so hello. Anyways after coming out of the darkages, I started building again. But building without displaying what you have built is .. well .. boring. So for the past week I have (...) (23 years ago, 25-Apr-02, to

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