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 Robotics / 9263
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Re: How old are you?
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 18:50:49 GMT
Jim West <>
921 times
I'm currently 37.  Bought my first RCX last 13 months ago.  Have been
collecting and playing with LEGO since I was 8.

At 08:37 AM 12/22/99 -0700, Mark Geddes wrote:
I was just wondering how old most of the members in this forum are?

I suspect most people active in Robotics as a hobby aren't children.

I'm just about to turn 36, but I was dreaming about Lego Robots since I was


kids; in fact, I think there're more adults in this target group than
kids. Just another of the signs we've seen recently of Lego going more
for the adults?

Message is in Reply To:
  How old are you?
I was just wondering how old most of the members in this forum are? I suspect most people active in Robotics as a hobby aren't children. I'm just about to turn 36, but I was dreaming about Lego Robots since I was 8. MG (...) (25 years ago, 22-Dec-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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