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 Robotics / 5035
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Re: Right angle turns with parts in the box
Wed, 12 May 1999 15:19:28 GMT
1721 times
In lugnet.robotics, Michael Gasperi writes:

Anyway here is what I'm working on: • [snip]
To make the activity more interesting, I'd like to build a vehicle that can
execute the program also.  I would probably substitute LEGO blocks for the
beads.  The biggest problem I've got is making perfect right angle turns.  I
don't want the vehicle to curve around corners.  Just go forward, and then • make
a pure right (or left) turn, and then forward again.  It would be nice if it
could do this several times without getting too far out of whack.  I suppose
this is the way a Logo turtle moves.  Has anybody built anything that acts
like this with Mindstorms yet?

  Normally I would use the cat-tracks for this, but it wouldn't be a perfect
turn there.  For a pivot turn, I would use two of the "monster" wheels geared
down as they can really rip if you don't!  Put skids on the front and back
of the bot and the big wheels in the very center of the sides.  This will
pivot on the center point for perfect angle turns.  Unfortunately, I don't
see any way to get a perfect right angle turn without some form of angle
sensor which doesn't come in the kit.  Timing is one way, but that has slop,
the best way is to have a sensor stop the turn when something occurs.  Can
you color code the "floor" of the maze such that the light sensor can tell
it?  In this way you may be able to have one path white until it reaches a
corner, to the right (lets say) the path is now black.  The robot goes
forward until it touches a wall, then stops.  It then pivots until the light
sensor senses black and stops cornering and goes forward.  If the path is
black and the robot touches a wall, it turns to the left until it sees a
white path and goes forward.  In this way it will always turn left on a
black path and always turn right on a white path - variations of this theme
are possible and if the path turns a direction other than the programmed one,
it will just pivot 270 degrees rather than 90 to get to the next path.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Fishing for a tasty linkage/gearing/robotic building thread...
(...) I totally agree about needing a new building thread. It seems like there is a lot of effort for software in a box with only three inputs and three outputs. Whatever turns you on I suppose. We all get enjoyment from this product in different (...) (26 years ago, 12-May-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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