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 Robotics / 5027
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Re: Fishing for a tasty linkage/gearing/robotic building thread...
Wed, 12 May 1999 12:53:46 GMT
David Warnock <>
1736 times

If you only need to make right angle changes of direction how about a design
where the robot does not turn.

You could have one set of axles for forward/backward with 1 motor driving both
sides so you go straight.

Then to change direction a second motor lowers a set of wheels/axles are right
angles to the first set lifting the original wheels of the ground. Then use a
3rd motor to drive the bot from side to side.

Maybe not very elegant and ceryainly jnot very flexible but it should be
possible with the only complicated bit being the lowering and lifting of the
side to side axles.



** Reply to message from "Michael Gasperi" <> on Wed, 12 May
1999 12:30:16 GMT
To make the activity more interesting, I'd like to build a vehicle that can
execute the program also.  I would probably substitute LEGO blocks for the
beads.  The biggest problem I've got is making perfect right angle turns.  I
don't want the vehicle to curve around corners.  Just go forward, and then • make
a pure right (or left) turn, and then forward again.  It would be nice if it
could do this several times without getting too far out of whack.  I suppose
this is the way a Logo turtle moves.  Has anybody built anything that acts
like this with Mindstorms yet?

Did you check the web site first?:

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Fishing for a tasty linkage/gearing/robotic building thread...
(...) I was toying around with something like this. A foot like thing would come down, lift the whole vehicle up off the ground, then turn it right or left 90 degrees (maybe even a variable angle), and set it back down. It does look like a three (...) (26 years ago, 12-May-99, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Fishing for a tasty linkage/gearing/robotic building thread...
Hi all, I've noticed that it's been awhile since there has been good thread concerning the building of robotic elements in Lego. I have nothing against the really neat conversations concerning the RCX - but- computers are what I do for a living, so (...) (26 years ago, 11-May-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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