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    Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Jeff Stembel
   (...) The lugnet.announce.brickshelf group is postable to only by Kevin (and perhaps a few other authorized individuals), so he can make announcements pertaining to Brickshelf. Jeff Lugnet Member #150 Brickshelf User #5 (19 years ago, 23-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)
        Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Eric Sophie
     (...) -Snip- Jeff, I would be so happy if you did not EVER respond to anything I post. Goodbye. Eric Sophie (19 years ago, 23-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)
         Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Jude Beaudin
      (...) Eric, I would be happy if you take these bitter, non-constructive replies to o-t.debate. Goodbye, Jude Beaudin Everyone else, Don't forget to checkout the game I created last spring. (URL) .o-t.debate (19 years ago, 23-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general,
          Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Eric Sophie
      (...) Point taken. (...) You had the nerve to post an image containing an obscene caption with my picture, you can take a flying leap. Goodbye. Eric Sophie (19 years ago, 23-Aug-06, to
          Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Jude Beaudin
      (...) And people say you are an unreasonable <insert JLUG appropriate language here/> (...) Boohoo!!! (...) All I can think of is the sad song "So Long Old Friend", you know the one that was in Here comes Garfield ((URL) years ago when Odie was (...) (19 years ago, 24-Aug-06, to
         Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Rob Hendrix
     (...) <normal purportless rant happily snipped> (...) <snip> (...) Didn't seem like trolling or any other rude or unnecessary comment to me. (...) Now I ask you, how much longer must we all put up with this scattered, smothered, covered, chopped, (...) (19 years ago, 24-Aug-06, to lugnet.admin.general)  
         Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Eric Sophie
     Rob when replying to this post, please refer to the subject line. Goodbye. Eric Sophie (19 years ago, 24-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)
         Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Rob Hendrix
     (...) Eric, When being a prick, do it in admin.general so someone can finally rectify your endless trolling, baiting, and general detritus. Or better yet, just don't post this crap at all. My original post on this topic was to point out the rudeness (...) (19 years ago, 25-Aug-06, to lugnet.admin.general)  
         Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Eric Sophie
      Nice Rob, nice. What does any of that have to do with Avatars and Brickshelf? (19 years ago, 25-Aug-06, to lugnet.admin.general,
          [involves Eric Sophie] Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Timothy Gould
      (...) Who are you to criticise anyone about changing topics/groups/whatever? Rob at least put his post in the right place which is more than you ever manage. Yet another example of the Eric Sophie(tm) hypocrisy in action I guess. It is true he (...) (19 years ago, 25-Aug-06, to
          Re: [involves Tim Gould again] Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Eric Sophie
      Miss the part where I said for the love of the brick let's discuss not argue? Then read this, I'll help you like I helped Rob. We should all help one another. Yep. "Take a moment to consider this. I pose a question and cite some examples looking for (...) (19 years ago, 25-Aug-06, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general)
          Re: [involves Tim Gould again] Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —James Powell
      (...) Um, how exactly is (URL) directly feedback on what you asked? You asked "P.S.S Could not post to: lugnet.announce.brickshelf", to which Jeff replied "The lugnet.announce.brickshelf group is postable to only by Kevin (and perhaps a few other (...) (19 years ago, 25-Aug-06, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general)
         Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Eric Sophie
      (...) -Snip- (...) What I would like you to know is that Jeff and I have a history, things you don't know about. If I am sick of Jeff chiming in with *his* Chip, I'll tell him. Actions and attitudes you are not aware of. YOU, should be man enough to (...) (19 years ago, 25-Aug-06, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general)
          (canceled) —Duane Hess
          Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Eric Sophie
       In lugnet.admin.general, Duane Hess wrote: Nevermind. I can't post any free thought without having my old enemies pick on me. If one of them does? I tell them to bugger off. Oh and I am so wrong. Just like you. Shut down for free thought. Cry my a (...) (19 years ago, 25-Aug-06, to
           Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Rob Limbaugh
       (...) Eric, When I first joined LUGNET, your work impressed me. The door to communicating with you opened up when you had a technical problem to solve for showcasing Jama and I had the ability to assist. Since the problem was due to physical damage (...) (19 years ago, 31-Aug-06, to ! 
           Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Eric Sophie
       Rob, Rob Rob Rob. This has nothing to do with Brickshelf and Avatars. If I don't like Jeff, that is my buisness. It was not meant for you or anyone else. He takes a chance responding to my post. Same with Tim or other people that have negative (...) (19 years ago, 31-Aug-06, to
           Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Allister McLaren
        (...) . I think Buzz Lightyear said it best. (URL) (19 years ago, 1-Sep-06, to  
           Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Duane Hess
       (...) Posting it to a public forum makes it everyone's business. -Duane (19 years ago, 1-Sep-06, to
           Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Eric Sophie
       In, Duane Hess wrote: -snip- "....shaka, when the walls fell...." (19 years ago, 2-Sep-06, to
           Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Timothy Gould
       (...) Just when I thought the pompous, ignorant, self-centered, egotistical, simian creature otherwise known as Eric Sophie couldn't get any weirder he trumps himself. Congratulations! Tim (19 years ago, 3-Sep-06, to
           Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Eric Sophie
        In, Timothy Gould wrote: -snip- "....timba, his arms wide...." (19 years ago, 3-Sep-06, to
            Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Bryce McGlone
        (...) Sophie explained! Get your copy now! (URL) (19 years ago, 5-Sep-06, to, FTX)
            Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Ross Crawford
         (...) It's all a matter of choice apparently: (URL) ROSCO (19 years ago, 6-Sep-06, to, FTX)
            Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Ross Crawford
        (...) It's all about choice, apparently: (URL) ROSCO (19 years ago, 6-Sep-06, to, FTX)
           Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Eric Sophie
        In, Timothy Gould wrote: -snip- (...) Terms of Use: "(do not) Post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, or indecent information of any kind, including (...) (19 years ago, 3-Sep-06, to, FTX)
            Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Duane Hess
        (...) What's the matter? Truth hurt? (19 years ago, 5-Sep-06, to, FTX)
           Abusive —Eric Sophie
       In, Timothy Gould wrote: -snip- (...) Terms of Use: "(do not) Post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, or indecent information of any kind, including (...) (19 years ago, 3-Sep-06, to lugnet.admin.general, FTX)
           Re: Abusive —Jeff Stembel
        (...) Three posts with the exact same text? You're sounding a bit like a broken record. You might get a better reaction if you do more than cut and paste the same text when responding to posts. Jeff (19 years ago, 3-Sep-06, to lugnet.admin.general, FTX)
            Re: Abusive —Eric Sophie
        (...) Jeff, I asked you twice to stay away from me. "(do not) Stray hopelessly off-topic without moving the discussion to a more appropriate location. (There is a fair amount of leeway here, since it is natural for discussions to drift, and moving a (...) (19 years ago, 3-Sep-06, to lugnet.admin.general, FTX)
            Re: Abusive —Jeff Stembel
         (...) Myself and many others have asked you on numerous occasions to shape up. Obviously we can't all get what we want. Jeff (19 years ago, 3-Sep-06, to lugnet.admin.general,, FTX)
             Re: Abusive —Jason S. Mantor
         So how exactly do we filter out Mr.Sophie? Is there a check box or something for that in our preferences? If there isn't, there really should be : ( Baring that, we should all simply setup our newsreaders to filter him. Then put an banner on the (...) (19 years ago, 5-Sep-06, to
             Re: Abusive —Jason S. Mantor
         I apologize for replying to my own post, but I figured I'd share some step by step instructions on how to filter out Mr. Sophie, if you're using Mozilla Thunderbird to read Lugnet like I am : Click on 'Tools' from the top text menu bar. Select (...) (19 years ago, 5-Sep-06, to  
            Re: Abusive —Duane Hess
        (...) Once again, by posting to a public forum the topic becomes public property in a sense. If you were to stand on a street corner mumbling your incoherent diatribes, you might possibly get the same sort of reactions. Why are you so surprised when (...) (19 years ago, 5-Sep-06, to lugnet.admin.general, FTX)
           Re: Abusive —Timothy Gould
       (...) Considering that everything I said is true my post is certainly not defamatory. And I certainly can't see anything obscene, vulgar, profane, or indecent in it either. It is arguably abusive (although equally arguably not due to the truth (...) (19 years ago, 3-Sep-06, to, FTX)
           Re: (was some dumb argument) is something else now... —Eric Sophie
       In, Timothy Gould wrote: -snip- (...) -snip- (...) Oh forget that, check this out! Do you like it? Any suggestions? (URL) time doing creative things>> (19 years ago, 3-Sep-06, to lugnet.publish,, FTX)
           Re: (was some dumb argument) is something else now... —Timothy Gould
        (...) Your Photoshop skills are certainly improving. The composition of that is quite good too. It seems to have a green tint to it though so I'd play with the colour levels a bit more. Also your posted pictures are too big. Try posting a shrunk (...) (19 years ago, 3-Sep-06, to lugnet.publish,, FTX)
            Re: (was some dumb argument) is something else now... —Eric Sophie
        That's ok, I had fun making it. It was also fun to just change the subject for once. (19 years ago, 3-Sep-06, to lugnet.publish,
           Re: (was some dumb argument) is something else now... —Matt Hein
       In lugnet.publish, Eric Sophie wrote: In regards to your picture, I have some crits on aesthetics. It seems that the shadows being cast from your models are becoming darker where they intersect with other shadows. It would be more interesting/ (...) (19 years ago, 8-Sep-06, to lugnet.publish,, FTX)
          Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Anders Isaksson
       (...) Duane, I really think the same information content could have been written without all the vitriol you showed. Maybe you should read your own post a couple of times before pushing 'send'? (19 years ago, 25-Aug-06, to
          Re: Eric's and Jeff's chip was (Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar) —Eric Sophie
      In lugnet.admin.general, Duane Hess wrote: -snip- (...) -snip- (...) Terms of Use: "(do not) Post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, or indecent information of any kind, (...) (19 years ago, 3-Sep-06, to lugnet.admin.general, FTX)
         Re: Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Dave Schuler
     (...) Hmm.. Troll. Detritus. Are you a Terry Pratchett fan, by any chance? Dave! (19 years ago, 25-Aug-06, to
        Re: [please make a positive on topic contribution] Ease up on marking folders Avatar —Eric Sophie
   (...) Ok, let's try this again. This is what I should have said in the first place and called your sublte nit pick for what it is. Its NOT ON TOPIC. Jeff, is that the best you can do? Is that the most positive and enlightend contribution you can (...) (19 years ago, 25-Aug-06, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)

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