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Re: Taking of Images - Question
lugnet.publish, lugnet.general
Thu, 16 May 2002 15:35:15 GMT
2080 times
In lugnet.publish, Ahui Herrera writes:
While I HATE this idea the adms of brickshelf can add a small javascript
code that DISABLES the right-mouse click when you open up the .htm page with
the big image.  I've seen this on certain proffesional photographer
websites. It's a bit annoying but it works.

If people have done this and copied images to another account ON the site,
why can't Admins be informed and have offender's accounts/privledges removed?


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Taking of Images - Question
<snip> (...) code that DISABLES the right-mouse click when you open up the .htm page with the big image. I've seen this on certain proffesional photographer websites. It's a bit annoying but it works. -AHui (23 years ago, 16-May-02, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)

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