Re: Taking of Images - Question
Thu, 16 May 2002 05:46:11 GMT
2001 times
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In lugnet.publish, Kevin Salm writes:
> I would like it if more Brickshelf photos were identified with a visual mark by
> the author/creator.
Hey .. honestly .. its the publishers fault. Bottom line. Interesting as it
may be have you actually thought about it this way.
Spend hours designing and building a MOC ...
Spend time taking pictures of the MOC ...
Spend time manipulating the images to look better ...
but not enough time to splash a watermark onto the image.
I am guilty of it. I admit. But after three models, none of which I have
posted on Bricklink, I have figured out that it would be nice to have them
identified by some unique means such that no one could possibly steal them (not
like they real would want to .. but that is another issue all together) And if
they did would get flamed for reposting a copyrighted image. My source code
that I produce is generally under GNU licence. My MOC's are a completely
different story.
Don't get me wrong, I agree 110% with you, but the truth is ... Publisher
beware .. about all I can tell you.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Taking of Images - Question
| (...) This crosses into the neighbourhood of ownership. I don't think anyone holds the copyrights to their creations once posted on Brickshelf. Dosn't it state that once posted all images belong to Lego Inc? The only thing we own is the bricks and (...) (23 years ago, 16-May-02, to lugnet.publish)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Taking of Images - Question
| (...) Okay, the original "crime" is actually re-posting someone else's images on Brickshelf without giving credit and resulting in duplicates. As stated in this thread, pictures posted to a public website are public and the user can do whatever they (...) (23 years ago, 16-May-02, to lugnet.publish)
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