Re: Taking of Images - Question
Thu, 16 May 2002 15:24:07 GMT
2207 times
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Joseph Williams wrote in message ...
> This crosses into the neighbourhood of ownership. I don't think anyone holds
> the copyrights to their creations once posted on Brickshelf. Dosn't it state
> that once posted all images belong to Lego Inc? The only thing we own is
This is so completely wrong I have to comment :-)
In most countrise including the US, if you make an image, (unless it's done
for an employer as part of your work), you own the copyright automatically.
Posting it on brickshelf makes no difference, you still own the copyright -
and in fact every Brickshelf page says at the bottom "All Gallery content is
property of the uploader, unless otherwise stated. Everything else ©2002
Brickshelf L.L.C. " .
Lego doesn't own Brickshelf.
> radio to figure out how someone made it. Yes I'm sure I would be miffed if
> the unlikly situation arose when someone said my lego model was theirs but
> I'm not holding my breath for that event. After posting pictures of a model
It happens regularly that people post pictures of models to the Builder's
Gallery or contests on, which are not in fact their models but
stolen from other pople's sites.
> or drawings onto the net I've pretty much given them up to public domain.
Not unless you specifically say that you release them to the public domain.
Legally, they are still your property.
> It's just the current nature of the internet environment that content is
> essentially free to get.
Free doesn't have anything to do with copyright or ownership.
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Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Taking of Images - Question
| (...) ok I read the TOS wrong. I'm one of those freaks who even bother to read software agreements as it is, usually I just scan them. My point though wasn't the legality of copyrights and my ownership of the image. It's the nature of the internet (...) (23 years ago, 16-May-02, to lugnet.publish)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Taking of Images - Question
| (...) This crosses into the neighbourhood of ownership. I don't think anyone holds the copyrights to their creations once posted on Brickshelf. Dosn't it state that once posted all images belong to Lego Inc? The only thing we own is the bricks and (...) (23 years ago, 16-May-02, to lugnet.publish)
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