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Re: SuperTrain 2001 layout - Switching Yard
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains
Sun, 7 Jan 2001 22:08:40 GMT
3106 times
I agree with John, that it would be best if you had atleast two separate
loops of track.  (I still like Chris' "law" that the continuous loop(s) not
run along the branch of a switch.)  With a layout that size, if only one
locomotive can run at a time, it will look even more bare.  I thought that
one of the reasons for a larger layout was to have the opportunity to run
more trains.
It might be more realistic if there is atleast a smaller yard at the other
end, that way the trains are going somewhere.  Steve, I forgot to clarify
one of your earlier questions, I have a few pieces to make up a port scene,
not much yet, but a start, maybe it could be added to the city end.
With a long layout like this, the electrical resistance in the track will be
important to counteract.  I will post separately to the trains group for
their comments on minimum length of track between electrical connections,
but in my small home layout, I have 4 separate connections to my track, to
avoid dead or slow patches of track. I counted all my wires and here is my list:
7 of the 51.5 inch connectors
4 of the 22 inch connectors
8 of the 11.5 inch connectors
5 of the 6.5 inch connectors
5 of the 4.75 inch connectors
and 10 of the track connectors they each give you about 19 inches of usable
If you add this all up, it is only 65.5 feet of cable, barely enough to
reach once across the layout.
I like your yard, Steve.  James' yard was less dense, but it did look
nice and tidy.

I just realized that there is only one loop of track.  With a layout
this size, it would make sense to have several things moving
around simultaneously.  Otherwise, it could look a bit dead.

Any chance you can cut out some of the long sidings in the center
part and fit in a second loop?  If not, maybe just add one to
the town or industrial area.

Just tossing out ideas...

(remove the obvious to reply)

SRC wrote in message ...
In, Steve Chapple writes:
...get the tracks the way I want - I'll post a shot of the results.
This shot is of the "industrial side" with the switching yard and the
container, oil and auto depots/yards.  The empty spot in the lower
corner is for hand-outs - there's a matching one on the "town side".


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: SuperTrain 2001 layout - Switching Yard
Michel Magnan wrote in message ... (...) To get more trains moving at once, we would have to cut out some of the long sidings in the center to make room for the second loop. IMO, not a problem. "More running locos are better than more stationary (...) (24 years ago, 8-Jan-01, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: SuperTrain 2001 layout - Switching Yard
(...) Yup. A 60' layout is going to look pretty empty with only 1 train. I like (John's?) suggestion for doing 2 loops. (...) Cool. The more stuff we've got, the better. (...) I've got 13 of the longest connector, and a smattering of the smallest 2 (...) (24 years ago, 8-Jan-01, to, lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: SuperTrain 2001 layout - Switching Yard
I like your yard, Steve. James' yard was less dense, but it did look nice and tidy. I just realized that there is only one loop of track. With a layout this size, it would make sense to have several things moving around simultaneously. Otherwise, it (...) (24 years ago, 6-Jan-01, to, lugnet.trains)

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