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 Organizations / Canada / NALUG / 456
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Re: SuperTrain 2001 layout - Mountain Switching
Fri, 5 Jan 2001 18:46:45 GMT
2652 times
In, Steve Chapple writes:
I'm posting this also in the main trains group in case someone has
indeed cut the edge off some switches or found a way to make a
switching yard close together like this.  I'm going to try an interleaved
yard to get the tracks the way I want - I'll post a shot of the results.

Hacksaw.  I think that I have some straights/curves with the required
modifications (I know I have some curves, not sure about straights)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: SuperTrain 2001 layout - Mountain Switching
I'm posting this also in the main trains group in case someone has indeed cut the edge off some switches or found a way to make a switching yard close together like this. I'm going to try an interleaved yard to get the tracks the way I want - I'll (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jan-01, to, lugnet.trains)

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