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Re: SuperTrain 2001 layout - Mountain Switching
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains
Fri, 5 Jan 2001 17:06:58 GMT
2773 times
I'm posting this also in the main trains group in case someone has
indeed cut the edge off some switches or found a way to make a
switching yard close together like this.  I'm going to try an interleaved
yard to get the tracks the way I want - I'll post a shot of the results.

In, Steve Chapple writes:
We can incorporate a line going along a mountain ridge
without much difficulty.
How long can you make the mountain?  Could you make three or four
three foot sections (that would connect to each other)?  The tunnels
not curving won't matter if the tunnels are long enough, especially with
them being so far from where someone could "look down them" anyway.

How's this?

Imagine grey bricks wherever you see grey base plate now.

OK - Make that imagine grey bricks three times as long as what is shown.
ie. A dozen grey baseplates long.  (Yes, that is a fifteen foot mountain.)
Of course it doesn't _have_ to be that long - how long can you make it?

Re: The switching yard.  I tried making it this way last night with the   physical track
segments, and it won't really work without cutting about one stud off
the corner.  Also, the switch handle might catch on a low hanging part
of a train car.  <sigh> These points go twice as far as they "should".


Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: SuperTrain 2001 layout - Mountain Switching
(...) Hacksaw. I think that I have some straights/curves with the required modifications (I know I have some curves, not sure about straights) James (24 years ago, 5-Jan-01, to
  Re: SuperTrain 2001 layout - Mountain Switching
(...) Hmm. I don't think we can pull off a 15 footer, quite. Quick question: How *wide* are our tables? I've been thinking that they're 30", standard banquet table width, but I seem to recall you saying "2 feet" somewhere... (...) One way of getting (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jan-01, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: SuperTrain 2001 layout - Switching Yard
(...) I killed the whole morning (I could never do this with a regular paying job) making it, but I've got a switching yard that I like. The overall "industrial end" is 8'x18', with the yard 3' across. (Any wider and we wouldn't be able to reach it (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jan-01, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: SuperTrain 2001 layout - Mountain Switching
I cut some of my switches with very satisfying result. I have pictures and will scan them one of these days. Eric (24 years ago, 8-Jan-01, to, lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: SuperTrain 2001 layout - Mountain
(...) How's this? (URL) line at the top is the main line where most of the train running will be. The bottom line can be run through as the "show loop", but the trains would be going through the curved part of switches, and we all know how much (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jan-01, to

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