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 Off-Topic / Geek / 2707
2706  |  2708
Re: Geeks and Toys on Netslaves
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 18:59:10 GMT
31 times
In lugnet.general, Jeff Shiner writes:
In lugnet.general, Kevin Loch writes:
Netslaves has an article about geeks and their toys.  It mentions
LEGO too.

This brings about an interesting question that has been lingering in the
back of my mind for awhile now.

Are the majority of AFOLs geeks?  Or... more to the point...

What variety of occupations/interests does the Lugnet community and AFOLs in
general represent?

I for instance... am a geek... I am a Development Manager responsible for
eCommerce personalization. Prior to becoming a manager I was the technical
lead.  Pretty classical geek stuff.

What do others in the community do?
- Jeff
I don't classify myself as a geek!  I'm a firefighter!  But, I am partial to
geeks! hehheheh  If I had to tip the scale, it would probably fall into the
geek catagory!  I would think that the majority of computer/internet users
would fall that way!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Geeks and Toys on Netslaves
(...) I dunno; there are a lot of computer/internet users out there who most certainly are _not_ geeks. On the other hand, just because you're a firefighter doesn't mean you're not a geek, either. :) And many of the computer professionals I work (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jan-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Geeks and Toys on Netslaves
(...) back of my mind for awhile now. Are the majority of AFOLs geeks? Or... more to the point... What variety of occupations/interests does the Lugnet community and AFOLs in general represent? I for instance... am a geek... I am a Development (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jan-01, to lugnet.general,

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