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Re: Geeks and Toys on Netslaves
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 17:51:21 GMT
1122 times
In lugnet.general, Jeff Shiner writes:

Are the majority of AFOLs geeks?  Or... more to the point...

What variety of occupations/interests does the Lugnet community and AFOLs in
general represent?

Keep in mind that there will be two very different answers.  The adult
community on Lugnet comprises that segment of AFOLs that a) have heard of it,
and b) choose to participate.

I suspect that A and B are largely concurrent, but the fact is that if someone
doesn't use the internet much, or at all, they won't be here.  So you're likely
to get a higher percentage of geek-related AFOLs by polling Lugnet than by,
say, calling all the AFOLs that get the S@H catalogue in the mail and asking
them what they do for a living.

In other words, there might be a lot of short-order cooks who play with LEGO,
but unless that short-order cook ALSO spends plenty of time on the Internet,
they aren't going to be on Lugnet.

All of that said, I manage the relationships between the company I work for (a
major ISP) and the telcos outside of the USA that provide us with circuits.  I
used to work in our Network Operations Center, where I worked (often with said
telcos) to repair said circuits when they broke.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Geeks and Toys on Netslaves
(...) Yes Eric... I agree. Furthermore there very well may be tendencies for certain personalities (and associated professions) to respond or not to respond which will further skew the results. But I'm just interested and not trying to do anything (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jan-01, to lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Geeks and Toys on Netslaves
(...) back of my mind for awhile now. Are the majority of AFOLs geeks? Or... more to the point... What variety of occupations/interests does the Lugnet community and AFOLs in general represent? I for instance... am a geek... I am a Development (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jan-01, to lugnet.general,

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