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Re: You know what annoys me?
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 23:12:27 GMT
693 times
In, Dave Schuler writes:

Sometimes the side effects seem worse than the malady that the drug is
intended to treat.  One drug in particular combats "Social Anxiety
Disorder," which less charitable souls might call "shyness."  I don't recall
the precise list of side effects, but they're something like: dry mouth;
constipation; irritability; nausea; sweating; headache; and a host of
others.  Honestly, if I'm trying to overcome shyness, the last things I need
are constipation, sweating, and irritibility!


Unfortunately, I have some personal experience with social anxiety disorder,
and if severe, it is far worse than "shyness."

It is very hard for most people to understand why a seemingly normal person
would refuse to get out of the car for 3 hours during a social occasion.  It
seems crazy, rude, selfish or all of the above.  Medication really can help.

But now that I think about it, this all would make a pretty good Onion

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: You know what annoys me?
(...) Well, that's why I said "less charitable souls might call [it] shyness." *I* don't call it that. Dave! (23 years ago, 10-Nov-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: You know what annoys me?
(...) Legislation was passed a few years ago allowing drug companies to advertise, on the (not-yet-borne-out) assumption that it would help reduce drug costs. (...) Sometimes the side effects seem worse than the malady that the drug is intended to (...) (23 years ago, 9-Nov-01, to

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