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 Off-Topic / Debate / 6942
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Re: My Official Viewpoint
Newsgroups:, lugnet.starwars
Sun, 5 Nov 2000 22:11:26 GMT
1032 times
In, Todd Lehman writes:

I hope I didn't imply that, either -- I think there's a strong correlation,
but certainly there would be exceptions.

Yeah, I know, in a later reply you'll note that I corrected him for misquoting
you (or, at least, misrepresenting what you said).

I really admire you for being such a big SW fan, yet not hating Jar-Jar and
not letting him get under your skin.

Hmm.  Well, I don't know if it's admiration-worthy... I mean, don't get me
wrong, I think he's an annoying character- but then again, I also think you're
supposed to find him annoying.  After all, it's pretty clear that Obi-Wan and
Qui-Gonn think that.

We all know he's going to be in the next movie, at least.  I guess I'm just
reserving judgement on the character's place in the movies until we see what's
going to happen with him.  After all, would you watch half (or, assuming he'll
also be in Episode III, a third) of a movie, or read part of a book, and think
you can make an informed statement about a character?


(FUT lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My Official Viewpoint
(...) Hmm, there must be an established SW fan-scale or geek-code out there -- ? That could be a lot of fun -- take a questionnaire and find out where you fit on the SW purity test or whatever. Anyway, I'd put you at about 8/10, give or take a half. (...) (24 years ago, 5-Nov-00, to, lugnet.starwars)

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