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Re: No gimmicks, just some free background images
Fri, 18 Feb 2000 01:41:30 GMT
1210 times
Todd Lehman <> wrote in article
In, Allan Bedford writes:
For example, if it was just about anyone other than Larry (or maybe a • few
others) who had posted what Larry did, then it certainly may have • raised
a few eyebrows.  How do we explain to newbies, for example, that what
Larry did was an extremely delicate gray-area case, probably not • something
to be followed by example?

Why is it that if someone else had done this it would likely have been • more

I think it's because people who know Larry (and that's a lot of people) • know
that he wouldn't do something questionable on purpose[1] (or probably • even
accidentally, because he "doesn't make misteaks").

I'm glad you used that last little quote.  It highlights my point exactly.
I've been reading LUGNET for well over a year.  I read probably 30 - 40
different messages a day, both via NNTP and the web interface.  I read
messages from all sorts of people, in all sorts of groups.  But I have
absolutely no idea what this 'misteaks' thing is, or how it relates to
Larry and his posting abilites/priviledges.  You see, for all the postings
I've read, and many by Larry, I've yet to discover what it is that makes
Larry any different than any other person on LUGNET.  I've been here since
1998 and I still feel like a newbie.  I understand that many people revere
him but I do not know the history behind it.  No offense Larry, but I
thought you were just another person interested in LEGO like the rest of
us.  :)

So my question is, how can even newer newbies grasp what's going on, and
understand not to follow Larry's example?

So it's not that it's OK simply because it was Larry and everything Larry
does is automatically OK, it's the other way around:  because it was • Larry,
there's a much higher probability that it was OK.  Now, whether or not it
actually *was* OK (that's open to debate) is a separate issue.  But • because
it was Larry, and people trust Larry, it's got much less of a chance of • being
controversial.  That's my take on it, anyway.

Ummm..... you lost me at the third OK.  Todd, were you a math teacher in
another lifetime?  :)

In other words... Todd, you hint in your response that what Larry did • was
*somewhat* incorrect, but because it's Larry it's really not as bad.

Well, not quite...  It's not 'less bad' if Larry does Xyz than if someone
else does Xyz.  Xyz (if Xyz is bad) is equally bad no matter who does it.

But if Larry happens to be the first person to do Xyz (as opposed to some
other randomly chosen person) then there's a higher chance that Xyz is OK
than bad, because statistically, Larry's behavior is very very far from
bad.  That's why I think no one (except me) jumped on him for it.

See above comment about math teacher.  :)

But you don't tell us why. If Larry is to be held in such high regard,
should he not try to lead by example?

Well, that's part of the reason I thought it was worth jumping on.

O.K. this I understood.

Instead it becomes, "Do as I say, not as I do."  And for newbies like • me
who don't know why Larry can do something we can't, it becomes terribly

That's the heart of the issue (in my mind) -- newbies seeing what Larry • did
and thinking it was OK.  In my mind, what Larry did was _not_ OK (even if
well-intentioned), but his post was *so* borderline that I think I'm the • only
one who sees is that way.

Well... I saw the questionability of it, but originally choose not to get
involved, because I'm not normally interested in participating in this sort
of thing on LUGNET, or Usenet in general for that matter. (ironically, here
I am, getting involved)

Again, how is a newbie to know that Larry *may* or *may not* have been • at
or near a grey area?


So should there be a Larry P. FAQ for newbies to read, to better understand
Larry's history within the LEGO/LUGNET/RTL community?  I say this only half
tongue-in-cheek.  I wonder if sometimes these problems occur because
someone who doesn't understand another person's background or history jumps
on them or their postings when it isn't always appropriate?

Regards (with less confusion swirling in the air)
Expert Builder Website - The Megaproject Showcase

I suspect follow-ups may want to go to:
I think this is way off topic for this group by now.

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: No gimmicks, just some free background images
Allan Bedford wrote in message <01bf79b1$4ab7e040$3...hx1138>... (...) It's a running gag. Check out: (URL) is given a little more leeway than some people, but that is because of his history as a solid contributor. There really is no way to avoid (...) (25 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to,
  Re: No gimmicks, just some free background images
(...) I can answer this much - when Larry makes a mistake (which, people say, he never does), he answers by saying "I never make misteaks." Or someone else says it for him - because this is 'his' line, his little pun, a trademark of a sort. (CMIIW) (...) (25 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to,
  Re: No gimmicks, just some free background images
(...) Larry's the best one to answer that. :) (...) Well, I don't think they can -- and that's 98% of the reason I jumped on Larry for what he posted. And it's also why I posted something similar-but- different right afterwards. The other 2% is (...) (25 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to,
  Re: No gimmicks, just some free background images
(...) If I were to take a guess at it I'd say that Larry was probably one of the first people outside Todd & Suz to really talk with them and help them test things out before LUGNET went live. I was one of the original handful of BETA-testers (I (...) (25 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: No gimmicks, just some free background images
(...) I think it's because people who know Larry (and that's a lot of people) know that he wouldn't do something questionable on purpose[1] (or probably even accidentally, because he "doesn't make misteaks"). So it's not that it's OK simply because (...) (25 years ago, 18-Feb-00, to

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