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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 11300
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Re: tips wanted: Selling Custom Kits
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 19:09:06 GMT
447 times
James Brown wrote:

In, Matt Penney writes:
Why are the Prices so low at Ebay right now?  A friend asked if I would
him out by helping him sell off his collection.  Ebay isn't bringing the
results I have commonly seen in the past.  *shrug* Any gueses? Should I
wait before posting more of his collection?

At a guess, I'd say that it's a combination of eBay finally reaching a
market saturation, and the blah economy starting to trickle down to
secondhand markets.

By market saturation, I mean that enough people are aware of and using
eBay that the general trend is shifting towards deal-finding, and away
from "just saw it, gotta have it, might not see it again" buying.

'Course, I'm not an economist or anything like, so I'm probably out to

Well your reasoning sounds logical to me... and eBay Germany is doing even
worse than eBay USA... now since I'm mainly an eBay BUYER I'm not
complaining :-)

Indeed, there isn't much that isn't offered at least once a month on eBay
at the moment, that sure makes for low(er) prices. Just look at Metroliner
/ 7740 prices for instance, almost half of what they were about 1.5 years
Jan-Albert "Anvil" van Ree   |

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: tips wanted: Selling Custom Kits
(...) I have argued this point many times -- nothing in the Lego market is unique. [N.B. Bionuckle fans!] Unique *might* apply to something made a hundred years ago of which less than 500 of this item still exist. Something made in the tens of (...) (24 years ago, 6-Jun-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: tips wanted: Selling Custom Kits
(...) At a guess, I'd say that it's a combination of eBay finally reaching a market saturation, and the blah economy starting to trickle down to secondhand markets. By market saturation, I mean that enough people are aware of and using eBay that the (...) (24 years ago, 6-Jun-01, to

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