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 Marketplace / Auctions / 3650
3649  |  3651
Re: States Go After Online Auctions; $1000 fines
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 12:51:04 GMT
45 times
Will Hess wrote:

Ugghhhhh!  Until someone (who can afford to lose!) challenges these laws,
sites like eBay are going to become little more than online professional
flea markets.  I pity the cyber-granny that attempts to auction off some
antique only to be slapped with a huge fine for violating an obscure law she
had no reason to know anything about.

I'm also wondering if the states are going to go so far as to prosecute
someone who ends up selling to a resident within their jurisdiction.
Imagine the guilt associated with finding out that your great deal cost
someone a sizeable fine!


Hmm... Just goes to show how idiotic, ignorant, and totally useless
government is when when it is too big, too powerful, and has too much

"You're under arrest, Mr. Sanburn."

"What?!? May I ask why?"

"You violated Section 456.98.0898 Paragraphs 1-98. No one may sell LEGO
items in any facility unless there is a blue moon over the sky and the
temperature is 78 Degrees."



Scott "Ah, yes, and you wonder why I am a conservative" Sanburn

follow ups to off-topic.debate


Scott E. Sanburn
CAD Operator
Affiliated Engineers, Inc.

Work Page:

Home Page:

Main LEGO Page:

Soon to come: Star Wars LEGO Sets Parts Selling Page!

Quote of the Month: (In Slate)

Al Gore: "Even though national security policy didn't come up, I
suggested that one critical issue for voters to ponder is this:
Whose FINGER do you want on the CONTROL-ALT-DELETE button?"

These are the same people who sued MICROSOFT, folks. If he is that
ignorant about computers, he should not be anywhere near controlling
anything, much less the United States.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: States Go After Online Auctions; $1000 fines
Ugghhhhh! Until someone (who can afford to lose!) challenges these laws, sites like eBay are going to become little more than online professional flea markets. I pity the cyber-granny that attempts to auction off some antique only to be slapped with (...) (25 years ago, 15-Dec-99, to

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