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Re: Super Duper Huge Awesome Sale!!
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 03:25:46 GMT
747 times
better deals once in a while too, like $$117 Mindstorms and $46 trains :)
When and where were these?

Matthias Jetleb

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Super Duper Huge Awesome Sale!!
(...) The $149 RIS1.5 package was a Boxing Day sale run by Future Shop. Thanks to Kevin Stone (who emailed me a copy of a newspaper), a number of us also got $30 extra off from the web site too (it was $117 in the store if you brought the ad-Kevin (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jun-01, to

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  Re: Super Duper Huge Awesome Sale!!
(...) While I often would like to think it's the cashier being stupid, I suspect it's actually a management problem-they're not giving their cashier employees enough responsibility to make a call on whether or not something is within the sale terms. (...) (24 years ago, 12-Jun-01, to

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